Edisto Beach Loggerhead Turtle Project
Saving Sea Turtles, one nest at a time
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Edisto Beach Loggerhead Turtle Project

EBLTP consists of a group of dedicated volunteers who spend their mornings during turtle season walking the town’s beaches to locate, mark and protect our sea turtle nests and hatchlings.

Established in 1982, the organization is a registered  501(c)(3)  in South Carolina and obtains annual authorization from the SC DNR to perform conservation activities. 

Edisto Beach Loggerhead Turtle Project is entirely staffed by volunteers. Your donation goes toward our efforts to help nesting turtles, hatchlings and stranded sea turtles make it to the ocean.


For volunteer opportunities, please check back with us at the beginning of March for the 2025 Turtle season.


You can make a difference on Edisto Beach and all over the world by donating to support the preservation of loggerhead sea turtles.

Adopt a Nest

Adopt an Edisto Beach turtle nest for yourself, a friend, or in memory of a loved one. You'll be helping to save sea turtles on Edisto Beach.